"5 of the Dow Industrials are selling below $10."
Just so you know, when a stock hits 10 bucks, this has traditionally been a cost line that would not be crossed by large investors. Sure it's not a penny stock, but the ten dollar mark is a huge hurdle for smaller companies to cross, and it sure as hell is an awful place to be for large companies.
The Dow Industrials only has 30 companies- so 5 of them under 10 is a bit startling. Not remarkable, considering some of the participants are GM, Bank of America, and Citi. Alcoa is a bit of a surprise.
But GE?
To quote the greatest character of any show of all time, Gob Bluth "CMON!"
Now honestly, none of this should be surprising, since Warren Buffet threw 3 Billion dollars towards the company a few months ago. The company is not really insulated from any of the damage being thrown around Wall Street. They are a well managed company, and are the number one provider of consumer services in the world. As GE goes, so the United States goes.
And oh yeah, they are the parent company of NBS. Makers of 30 Rock.
I guess what I am trying to say is-- everyone invest in GE now. It's the American thing to do. And dammit I don't think I could take it if I lost 30 Rock like I lost Arrested Development.
1 comment:
Okay, we LOVE Arrested Development and own the entire series. AND we just watched the Generalismo 30 Rock episode online on Tuesday night.
I am starting to get pretty befuddled reading your entries, but numbers tend to hurt my brain anyway. The economy is going to kill me.
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