Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It's gettin' to be rigoddamndiculous (aka epiphany)

e·piph·a·ny [i-pif-uh-nee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun, plural -nies.
1.(initial capital letter) a Christian festival, observed on January 6, commemorating the manifestation of Christ to the gentiles in the persons of the Magi; Twelfth-day.
2.an appearance or manifestation, esp. of a deity.
3.a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.
4.a literary work or section of a work presenting, usually symbolically, such a moment of revelation and insight.

So there I was, sitting at the head of my dining room table, quietly keeping my opinions to myself as an inane conversation refused to die amongst my closest family members. Understand I love my family dearly- some more than others, but all dearly- and would miss them were they not there. But it was my birthday, dammit. If there is one gathering where I should be spared the family drama that I myself have not caused- it should be this day. I was about to interject when, suddenly, out of the blue, my step mother spoke up.......
Those of you that know me have a pretty clear concept of the relationship that my step mother and I have. It's not cool, it's not warm- it's, at best tepid. Children should be seen and not heard, and apparently the sum of years to be considered "adult" in this equation is equivalent to (Bob's Age +1). So as I sat there, watching the words being spoken, I mentally buckled down for what could easily have been a bumpy ride.
Much to my surprise, my step mother went on a three minute dissertation on how proud she was of all that I accomplished this year. Flabbergasted, I stumbled through a thank you reply, giving much credit to my wife (see how flabbergasted I was????) and of course my wife's mother then had to ruin everything by interrupting and making things about the boy.
No, Nonna, Daddy is allowed one day a year. Step off.
Now, you would think that I should be grateful for the compliments, and as the folks in "The Wiz" would tell you- ease on down the road. Not so fast.
As I later read all the cards that were given to me- I noticed a significant trend. They were all complimentary- but all the personal comments centered on my career accomplishments.
(as an aside- this year was a doozy for me- career wise. More likely than not, it shall not be repeated- but ya never know)
I'm not sure why, but this was a major blow to me. Maybe it is because I'm not planning on living past 70 (don't look at me with those eyes of admonition- none of the men in my family make it much past 68). I think back about the comments made in birthday cards, and the only ones that I remember are those that were included when my son was born. And, just so you know- my end of that deal was pretty easy. Relatively mind you.
I consider the scope of this- that my family feels that the of all the things that I have accomplished, that my career is the the pinnacle of said accomplishments- and I'm uneasy. Will the lasting impression I leave with my child(ren), on the world- be solely that I sell drugs well?
Reflecting- there is ample reason (or a lack of alternate material, more appropriately) to steer my family in this direction.
With this, I have decided that I am going to volunteer to do something (I'm not sure what yet) involving pediatric oncology. Prevention/treament of, not the propagation of- ya nits. Fundraising, increasing awareness, what have you. It's a good cause, and it inflates my ego- aint nothin' wrong with that.
I've been having a lot of "karma" moments as of late, mostly involving the "small world" syndrome. I hope maybe that this is the right track.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Black Vulcan!

Pure electricity- in my pants.
http://www.adultswim.com/shows/birdman/stuff/soundboard/ http://www.adultswim.com/video/?episodeID=8a25c39213f363a70113f395d8da0028

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

First Post!

Although not prone to "woot"ing so often, I must throw one in here- as this is going to be my first foray into blogging. After some considerable forethought into the layout of the blog *cough* I decided that I should perhaps add some content to the thingamajig
I've never considered myself a "writer" per se- but I've always communicated somewhat well. And by well I mean "effectively" as compared to "in a compelling manner". I guess this blog is my attempt to 1) put my thoughts into a medium outside of my cranium, which some people allege will have a therapeutic value while 2) chiseling away at my style/prose/what have you.
For those of you that just happened to google/search your way onto here- I am a salesman by choice. I can sell the snot out of things, when I want to. But I am surrounded by people who have charisma. I can sit and listen to the people for days, and feel comfortable being with them. Where I find banality, they find purpose. It's frustrating to know that I don't have it.
I guess what I am hoping to figure out is how to tell a story. I won't be the first one to tip toe (or stomp) down this forest path- lord knows I will knock over a few tulips and scare some cute bunnies along the way. But it's my journey, and I'll take from it what I can. Thanks for joining me.