Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Alright- I've been continually remiss in posting. My bad. Hopefully, in the next few weeks, I can 'splain. So just to whet the appetite, some miscellany:

1. Got a new blackberry. As in- today. It's sorta exciting. Except now I realize that I got this thing to help me with work. So now I'll be more efficient. Which means, probably, more work. Blech
2. Shennanigans! Politicians are all pretty much a joke. I have never been more disinterested in politics than I have been lately. In the past few days, I have heard several different "plans" being proposed, all of which involve giving at least 700 HUNDRED BILLION. That looks like that on the screen

Which is a million millions. Or..... seven million millions. Something like that. And the money is supposed to go to the people who were supposed to control the money so it didn't get wasted.

Not so coincidentally, many of my old friends/colleagues have been commenting that they may be returning to ye olde homestead (Long Island) because it's become a little too unaffordable to live away- or they are trying to nest up to save for a new house.

3. Wil Wheton is awesome. I say this mostly because I may have wished to God, Satan, and possibly Cthuhlu for his death. Please understand, this was mostly during my 13th year of life, when my girlfriend threw much undue attention his way. I think she broke up with me because of my unbridled madness. Or maybe it was my brillo hair. I prefer to blame Wil, because, hell, he's awesome, was in Stand by Me, and is playing the geek card to the Nth degree, much to the satisfaction of his wallet and his inner geek. Now I hate him for reasons beyond his dimples and his portrayal of teenage angst. Go see him at

4. This past monday, my friend Jeff and I were laboring over our hatred of our friend Joe. Then we realized we probably will not have much of a chance to see him- what with him being in St. Louis and all. I then commented that, well, maybe at family funerals I will see him, since he is my wife's cousin. Lo and behold, a half an hour later, my wife texts me with the sad news that her grandfather passed away.

You all are thinking what I am thinking, yes?
Wait for it..... Wait..... Hold...........................HOLD. PULL!

My subconscious somehow killed my wife's grandfather, just so I could see Joe again.

Unfortunately (on many levels- what with Joe's grandfather dying in this scenario) Joe was not able to make it this past week. So now our level of hatred of Joe is rising... cause, quite frankly, WHAT WILL I DO NEXT TO GET HIS ATTENTION?

Just kidding. RIP Grandpa. You had 95 years on this earth, which is more than most, and you are much honored and remembered.

5. My house stinks like dog and BO. I'm not sure how or why, because the place was smelling Spring Fresh for the party this past weekend. My birthday BTW. Hope you all are feeling sorry for not sending me a gift.

That's about it for now. I am nowhere near as industrious as my fellow bloggers, and I hope they forgive me.