Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Greatest Quote Ever

As I was reading the human behavior book "Predictably Irrational", the author Dan Ariely discusses the overlap of social norms, and monetary norms. In particular, he mentions the deadly consequences of mixing the two. For example, if after a spectacular Thanksgiving Dinner you whipped out $400 to give to your mother in law for the great meal, more likely than not you would never be invited back to any future family events.
What was then brought up was the pain of the first, second, and third date, and how the man (usually) has to lay out the cash for everything under the sun. And for what? Which leads to, IMHO, the most greatest quote of all time.

"The most expensive sex is free sex"

Just sayin'.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I am glad that it took a book I recommended to you to finally get you to post here again.

See you at your next post, tentatively scheduled for february 2009.