Sunday, May 4, 2008

Tag this!

Normally, I thrash violently and gnash my teeth at those that put me to work. But since Linda is such a doll, and I do need to practice the whole introspection thing, I decided to give this one a shot.
The following was posted at Linda does all sorts of bizarre word exercises and other wacky tasks that get thrown at her by alleged "friends" out there on the blogosphere. I personally think that this is just Linda talking to her multiple personalities, but I digress. I am now realizing that putting yourself to these tasks may, through vigorous practice, make you more betterer at expressing yourself, while also having the added benefit of opening yourself up emotionally to future online stalkers. So here's my go at it.

Getting To Know You Meme

The Rules:

1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 or more people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
4. Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted your answers.
5. You don't have to randomly italic or bold answers, as Blogger has done for me.


1. What was I doing 10 years ago?

Holy crow, I dunno……. I would be 24, so I had just started in Pharmaceuticals – Merck. Living in a walk up apartment in Central Islip- where some of the locals stole our bikes from our porch (note, I said a walk up- and yeah, we were on the 2nd floor) It was the middle of the dot com craze, and we always ordered out for things from a new company that would deliver food from regular local restaurants (IE Fridays, Chi chi’s, etc), and we were too young and naïve to realize we couldn’t afford it.

2. What are 5 Things on my To-Do List for today:

1. Go to Dad’s for his birthday
2. Prepare for work (I was away last week for a meeting, so I’m sort of lost)
3. Try to work out
4. My wife
Do some thinking as to how I can make some extra money this summer

3. Snacks I Enjoy:

1. Entemann’s Devils Food Crumb Donuts.

2. Chips deluxe Peanut butter Chip cookies

3. When dieting, I love some Ricotta Cheese with Vanilla extract (a low carb diet, obviously)

4. Things I would do if I were a Billionaire:

1. Start up some Business, employ some people, and have them call me “Mr. Bob”

2. Charities- Pediatric Oncology and Autism

3. Find a huge farm, get two down on their luck farmers, and tell them “here’s a farm, and my dog named Buddy. Take good care of both please.”

4. New House, maybe a few blocks away, that is lacking the closeness to the train, and maybe is a better shaped/set up one than I have today. And oh yeah- central air/heating.

5. Write professionally. If people ever questioned me any advice I gave, I would remind them,”Who’s the billionaire, eh?”

5. Three Of My Bad Habits:

Only three?
1. Procrastination

2. Analysis Paralysis (looking at things way too long before I act on them- this is different than procrastination since usually the subjects being analyzed are on topic, as compared to procrastination usually involving subjects that are off topic from that which you are trying to avoid)

3. Blogging while the boy watches TV

6. 5 Places I have Lived:

1. Selden

2. Albany

3. Port Jefferson Sta

4. Central Islip

5. St. James

7. Jobs I Have Had:

1. King Kullen Cashier/Stock Boy

2. Taco Bell Cashier/Line worker. MMM MMM GOOD

3. Mall Marketing/Annoyer (one of those folks in the Mall that asks you to do surveys).

4. Residential work with the Developmentally disabled

5. Assistant Manager at one home of #4

6. Yellow Page Salesman

7. Drug Dealer

8. People I want to know more about:

See, I am not going to tag anyone, but instead- if someone has read this, I would like you to think about the following, and if you wish, post a response on your Blog: ((Authors note- stolen blatantly from a book I read, which I will post about later))

“What do you want people to say about you at your Funeral? A family member, a friend, a co worker, and someone who never met you?”

1 comment:

bobbie said...

Hello, Mr. Bob. Snoopmurph sent me.
Zero comments on this?! I love it, and I don't even know you! I do know Selden and a couple of those other places. Snoop's right. I love your writing.