Sunday, April 27, 2008

To my adoring fan.....s (aka "scriptor vel intereo")

The following comment was entered sometime yesterday

"I have decided that you NEED to write more regularly. I really think you have a lot to say."

I should call her "Snoopmuse" because quite frankly, I am writing because of her. This woman, whose name is Linda, is the blogger @ . She has more plates spinning than I have in my kitchen and dining room cabinet combined, and she still finds time to tell me to get off my ass and write. By the way, she writes a damn good blog.

I've been doing a LOT of reading lately. I mean a LOT. So much, in fact, that I actually brought a professional speed reading book (called, coincidentally enough, "Speed reading for Professionals" by Barron's) so that I could read more in less time. The reason is not so complex. I want to improve myself. Understand that I'm not down on myself- this is more of a "go from so-so to great" attempt. Sad to say, I'm not getting any younger. And, quite frankly, I'm not anywhere near where I thought I would be when I was a young lad. I wish I had a good amount of role models around me who owned their own businesses, versus being employees- because this is truly what I want to do. Sadly, this is not the case, so I have been looking to outside sources (ie reading) to help build some pillars as a foundation for my future growth.

What is funny, is that in all my reading, most of the folks that are successful mention their ability to communicate, including being able to WRITE well. Shocker eh? I think I have some aspects of "communicate" pretty well wrapped up- and this can be attributed to the various sales experiences I've had over the past 11 years or so (and, thank you to the managers/trainers out there). But I have only been successful in sales (and, in my opinion, in communication) in a small, isolated field (mostly pharmaceutical).

So, yes Linda, you are right, I DO need to write more. This stuff is euphoric, cathartic, and apparently being good at it makes people want to listen to you more. Go Figure. Thanks for reminding me

1 comment:

Linda Murphy said...

Yay. Now I will send you some more readers.